How To Tell If You're Wasting Time Talking To A Girl In A Bar...
I have a buddy who is the king of approaching a girl at a bar, asking a few questions, pulling up a stool and lighting 3 hours on fire without ever finding out if he is good or not, only to get "I have a boyfriend." at the end of the night.Ain’t nobody got time for DAT. I refuse to not know where I stand within 10 minutes. I’ve pulled 8+ numbers out of one bar many times. This is because I move along.Here are the 3 steps to make sure you never waste your time talking to a girl who isn't interested in you for too long:
- I identify if she is into me by touching her at the end of a sentence.If she looks like she is nervous that I passed AIDS along via her forearm, then I wait another 3 minutes and touch again.If again I get an AIDS response I say "Ok, have a good night, I’m going to find a lucky girl" and I check out.If she is receptive then I push it further and further and further until I drop the ole "So we need to have a very serious conversation. I can tell that u have a raging crush on me and you want me to kiss you, but you should know that I’m not that kind of a boy" if she does anything but puke I go in for the kiss.If it’s a straight “NO SHOT” rejection, then I peace. If it’s a rejection that implies 'not so fast' I’ll put in more time.
- I identify the type of girl.If she a party girl then I invest my night and take her home.Gamble-Gamble. If she is a super prude and I only 'sorta' dig her then I get the number and move along.If she is a 10 and I'm in love then I make the commitment to her for the night for future happiness.
- I DO NOT spend hours talking to a girl with no clue where I'm at. I do not spend time with a girl who is giving me no love.
Are looking to play chit chat all night about fashion with some chick who will light your time on fire so she can go home and hope that her broke bartender fuck buddy booty call calls her?Is that you?Are you THAT guy who dusts his time on women that don't give two shits about your time... as though you are actually at a bar to nicely converse with random women, but have no interest in anything more?MAN UP!Figure out where you are at, then figure out what she is and what you want from her, then proceed accordingly.