About Inner Confidence

Where savvy single men go to share ideas, get feedback, and connect with peers to master their social life.

Robbie's Roadmap: Mastering the Dating Game with 8 Key Strategies for Success

  1. Learn the difference between attraction principles and tactics.

    If you're inpatient like I was, and only interested in learning tactics to get the girl, you'll get frustrated and want to quit. It’s not what you do that attracts women, it’s your way of being. You need to understand the actual psychology of what women want in a man for both short term and long term mating to understand how to properly employ the best tactics for you.

  2. Go on as many dates as possible.

    If you’re not getting enough dates the best way to easily get more is to approach women in real life. Give me 25 approaches a week and I’ll give you a completely transformed man in just few a months. Think of approaching like going to the gym. It will suck at first, but as it becomes a habit you’ll start to see incredible gains. Online dating is great for getting dates and making your “on dates game” better but is not a replacement for approaching. You want to get a place where rejection hardly bothers you.

  3. Get brutally honest feedback.

    You need to understand the little annoying things you’re doing that turn women off. This can happen in-person or virtually as long as the folks giving you feedback know what they’re talking about. It also helps to record yourself. You will always be your own biggest critic. This the most valuable piece of in-person coaching.

  4. Don’t enter into a relationship prematurely.

    Your standards today are way lower than what they will be down the road. Do not stop until you can look in the mirror and say “I’m 100% happy and fulfilled with this person, they make me a better man and this is exactly the relationship I want.”

  5. Your Sexual Market Value (SMV) improves with age. The opposite is true for women.

    On a scale of 1-10, when I was 23 years old and starting on my game journey, my sexual market value was around a 5.0. By the time I was 29, it was about 7.5, and when I reached 36, my SMV was around 9.5. I was able to attract 9.5"+’s with amazing game and social skills.

  6. If you want to land the most desirable women your best bet is through building a high status online image and social circle.

    Instagram & Social Circle are the modern day players stack. If you ask baddies how they met the last 10 guys they dated. It will be either “through a friend” or “we met through Instagram direct message.”

  7. Find a mentor you look up to, and copy him until your game is better than his; then find someone else.

    Understand that this mentor is not gonna coach you for free. You need to either pay him or render some other form of trade or services. Why would he hang with someone who's worse and will slow him down? To acquire any valuable skill, you must invest and the faster you make that investment with qualified help, the faster you reach your goals. Time is much more valuable than money. It is also irreplaceable.

  8. Don’t follow generic dating advice.

    You need an action plan that is customized to your unique circumstances. Whether you're just starting out, finding your way back into the dating world after a breakup, or looking to refine your skills, this quiz is the first step towards understanding your strengths and areas for growth. Or if you’re want to explore if working with me is a good fit, book a free call.