How To Get Out of Your Head and Stop Overthinking Things

Being a smart person is usually a good thing; however, when it comes to meeting and dating women, it can be a hindrance at times.
There are many ways that overthinking about dating and meeting women hurts you.
I have a few suggestions for guys out there who are confused at times and don’t know what the next step is.
Be your own best friendAt some time in point, there has to be a shift in the way you talk to yourself about meeting and dating women.  Instead of the voice that beats you up, you’ve got to be your own best friend and pat yourself on the back for trying.  I think this is essential, because at the end of the day, it's your life and you’re the most interested in your own success.  Be the guy who encourages himself and keeps a positive attitude about meeting and dating women.
Make a decision and roll with itThere are many schools out there and many strategies for meeting women.  Instead of being confused and lost about what to do or how to improve, here is a great technique I thought of the other day.  Start by sitting in a room by yourself and talking about you and your life in the third person.  If this feels weird to you, then write it down instead.  Oftentimes we get so bogged down in the daily grind that stepping back and trying to look at your life objectively will help. For example, let's say there's a guy named Jerry who is improving his relationships with women.  Jerry should sit by himself and start a dialogue with himself about himself:
“So Jerry, I see you’re going out once a week and I feel, as your friend, that you could be doing more.  You’ve done a great job so far, and you’re focused and determined.  What do you think you need to work on?  Teasing?  Well, that’s a good idea, but I think you really need to work on just being able to carry the conversation.  I can tell you’re committed…”
Conversations like this, as silly as it may sound, help you coach yourself to success because you gain awareness of your current strengths and weaknesses.  Awareness is the first step to change, and building this is key.  At the end of the day, you know EXACTLY what you need to do to be successful, and it's a matter of trusting yourself.
Notice how the self-coaching is always inquisitive and always suggestive.  If you do this enough, you will get into a habit of being comfortable with your decisions because you’re finally listening to the one voice that matters: yours.
Recognize your strengths and acknowledge themAn important part of meeting women acknowledging your strengths and what you're offering to women.  I remember when I was first learning, I felt like I didn’t have a lot to offer women.  That’s why I went to routines and others tricks to entertain women.  Later on, I realized that you’ve got to look at your strengths and recognize what you can offer.  I’ve realized that I offer: my listening, my presence, my smile, my wittiness, my attention, my focus, my affection.  The list can go on.  These are gifts that I am sharing with the woman I’m talking to.  Always remember that what  you are bringing to the table is yourself.
Catch your dis-empowering thoughts
A big suggestion I have for guys who are stuck in their head is to try and stop their neurotic thinking.  Thinking is okay, but neurotic thinking is bad.  When can you recognize the difference? Whenever your thoughts make you feel good and are empowering, it's usually not neurotic thinking. Neurotic thinking usually involves thinking that dis-empowers you, that makes you feel not okay, makes you feel like you’re not good enough, or makes you feel stuck and confused. Neurotic thinking usually makes you feel bad and can even make you physically ill.
This can be tough practice, but catch your thoughts that are neurotic.  Catch yourself when you’re saying to yourself:
  • “I need to learn…”
  • “Man, I suck at…”
  • “When will I ever…”
  • “Why don’t women…”
  • “I wish I was like…”
  • “I need to study…”
Each one of the above is an example of thinking that is not serving you.  Catch those thoughts.  The moment you recognize them, they go away.  It’s your mind playing tricks on you, trying to bully you and beat you up.  In reality, you are good enough!   Recognize the inauthenticity in these thoughts. A majority of them are simply not true and not based in reality.  The reality is that you are okay the way you are, you’re an attractive guy who has a lot to offer, and you are good enough.
Make win-win relationships with the worldAnother issue that comes with meeting and dating women is seeing other men who are doing much better than you.  You can harbor resentment, jealousy and even envy over men who are doing better than you.  The best way to stop thinking like this is to stop seeing the world as a competition where some men win and others lose or where women win and men lose.  This way of thinking is harmful and creates an inferiority complex the more you think these thoughts.  Start taking each of these situations and see how you can make them win-wins. A guy who is successful with women is also someone worth befriending and modeling. Also, befriending women who are getting lots of dates is an opportunity to work on yourself and be the guy she chooses.  Every scenario in your head that you are running where you are “losing” and someone else is “winning” can be turned into a win-win relationship.  Eventually you will start seeing the world as abundant and your opportunities as limitless.  This is a good place to be.
So remember, when it comes to connecting with people and being social, thinking too much is only going to make your life harder.
Robbie Kramer

Robbie Kramer isn't just a coach; he's a testament to the modern masculine journey. Having lived an exhilarating single life filled with adventures and lessons, Robbie has also achieved what many aspire to – finding an amazing, feminine, and loving wife.

His experiences provide a rare balance of wild freedom and committed love, equipping him with the insights to help you navigate the complexities of dating and relationships in today's world. With Robbie's guidance, you'll learn to embrace your desires, improve your social prowess, and ultimately attract the partner who aligns with your highest aspirations.

Don't Make the Mistake of Setting the Wrong Goals


Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission