My Girlfriend Started Going Cold, What Should I Do?

We have been dating for four months now. Things were going well for the first two months.

She calls me first, she text me if I didn’t text her. She used to admit she was addicted to me.

Suddenly, she stopped caring, she wasn’t bothered if I didn’t text or call.

I noticed the decline in the relationship. Went on several dates in the last two months. Which was awesome.

Then after that, the next dates were horrible. She insults me jokingly like calling me dummy during our last dates. Complaning unnecessary on irrelevant things.

I text first, and only I call. I try keeping in touch with her because I love her.

I called her recently and she was yelling like we had a quarrel before, ending the call I told her I loved her and her response was “I heard that” and that she wasn’t in a good mood.

I informed her of a date a week earlier. And she cancelled the date all because she was busy.

Now she is planning on rescheduling it. What should I do? is it over?

If it’s over should I keep on checking on her?

Robbie’s Answer:

It’s always important to look at a relationship in terms of investment.

If both parties are investing equally you almost always have a great relationship.

Inevitably, investment tends to fluctuate due to events on either side and when that happens, it’s important how you respond because if you make the wrong move, it can make the situation much worse.

In your situation for example, it seemed like she was investing more at first and you felt in control, but then her investment suddenly decreased and it made you anxious.

The more anxious you got, the more her investment decreased and now you’re sliding down a slippery slope.

You have two options.

1. Mirror her behavior. If she doesn’t invest, don’t invest either. This guards against looking needy but it’s also mentally exhausting if you’re in love with her and feels like a game. I would suggest this if maybe there is another guy in the picture or she’s simply an avoidant personality type.

2. Tell her that you don’t feel like she’s invested in the relationship to the level you are and it’s not working for you. Don’t blame her or make her wrong, just tell her that you’re not getting what you need out of the relationship and you have to walk away. This takes big balls and will show her that you won’t settle for something that you don’t want. It shows a lot of confidence and it could make he start to invest a hell of a lot more and realize the mistake she was making.

We value things that are scarce. If your love and attention is unconditional, even when she’s showing you she doesn’t feel the same, you will likely get burned.

The worst thing is to continue doing what you’re doing which is allowing her to shit all over you because you’re not respecting yourself and she knows it. This will kill attraction forever.

Final Words

We value things that are hard to get. If she knows your love is there no matter what, she won't see its worth. Don't let her walk all over you. Stand up for what you want or you'll kill any attraction left.

Good luck, Tom.

What to do next:

Reading this blog is a good first step to understanding female psychology, but most guys get caught in analysis paralysis mode by actually studying too much online content. It’s way more effective to study content that is custom tailored to your specific sticking points than reading random articles and watching self help videos. Men fall into three distinct buckets on their journey to attraction mastery.

Bucket 1 - Attraction Aspirant: You don’t consistently generate attraction. You might find yourself in a pattern where dates are rare, and when they do happen, they seldom lead to deeper connections or second dates. You’re conscious about your spending, wary of being perceived wrongly, and perhaps your style doesn’t quite express who you truly are. 

Bucket 2 - Chase Changer: You generate attraction but you find yourself chasing the women you really want instead of getting them to chase you. You are uncertainty in making bold moves. While you're attractive and successful, translating that into dating confidence, especially with high-value women, remains a challenge. Self-sabotage and hesitancy can often be the barrier between you and the dating success you seek.

Bucket 3 - Selective Strategist: You find dating and initiating connections relatively easy, but the challenge lies in attracting those who truly excite and inspire you. It's about understanding the subtle dynamics of high-value dating and leveraging your strengths to create not just any connection but the right one.

To see which bucket you fail into and to get a tailored action plan to improve, answer these 10 quick questions.

Robbie Kramer

Robbie Kramer isn't just a coach; he's a testament to the modern masculine journey. Having lived an exhilarating single life filled with adventures and lessons, Robbie has also achieved what many aspire to – finding an amazing, feminine, and loving wife.

His experiences provide a rare balance of wild freedom and committed love, equipping him with the insights to help you navigate the complexities of dating and relationships in today's world. With Robbie's guidance, you'll learn to embrace your desires, improve your social prowess, and ultimately attract the partner who aligns with your highest aspirations.

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