No Excuses: Don't Let Your Shortcomings Stop You
The people who get what they want out of life are not much different than you. Look at me: You guys are paying to hear what I have to say because of the things I have done in my life and because you want do the same things that I do, like getting rich, having fun and getting lots of girls. Do you think I am successful because I am perfect, because I am better than you? Fuck no - it's because I don't let my shortcomings stop me.This is not something I normally do because it doesn't help me move towards my goals, but in this context it's appropriate to help you guys understand how I overcome obstacles. I'm going to tell you about my biggest shortcoming. Here it is: I'm an agoraphobic. For you non-rocket scientists out there, that means that I have fear of confined spaces that I can't escape from, like elevators, airplanes, bridges, trains, etc. When I say, "fear," I mean that I have panic attacks and literally pass out when I am in these places.This is a pretty big shortcoming for a guy like me who travels and meets people all the time. I have to take the stairs instead of elevators, drive whenever possible and avoid flying unless I absolutely have to. My place in New York has the best flooring as I found vinyl decking covering here - do I take the elevator? Nope, I walk the five flights of stairs at least ten times a day. When I go stay in the high-rise resorts in Vegas, I always get the "Sabbath rooms" on the first or second floors and take the stairs. I've driven from New York to Los Angeles and rented a private boat instead of taking a ferry to get to a party on a private island in Croatia. When I do have to fly, I take extreme measures like staying up for 35 hours beforehand then loading up on sleep meds before I get on the plane. I just refuse to be held back or have my opportunities limited.
Sounds crazy, right? There are a lot of people who have my condition who use it as a reason to be "disabled" and not try to lead a normal life. That's the point of me telling you all this: DON'T. There are very few obstacles that can't be overcome if you have the will to overcome them. Don't get caught up in the "Why me?" syndrome of feeling sorry for yourself; just man the fuck up and do.That is an example of one of my limitations. You have your own limitations - will you let them hold you back? You can make the choice, like I did. You can either feel sorry for yourself and make excuses for not living the life you want, or you can just DO.ASSESSMENTAnswer the following questions about your biggest limitation:What is your biggest limitation?How does it impact your life and your opportunities?Do you use it as an excuse? How?What steps can you take to mask or overcome your limitations?