Want to Hook Up with Her? Give it 7 Hours and You’re Usually Golden

One of my clients met a girl a while back who he really liked. She liked him too, and they texted back and forth for a while before setting up a date.

He picks her up at 5:00 pm, and they spend the next few hours bouncing from location to location, getting to know each other, and making out. This girl didn’t have a job, she was fresh out of college and living with her parents.

At 11:00 pm, six hours later, he took her home. And left her there.


The Magical 7 Hour Hookup Rule

I couldn’t believe it when he told me this story. He had a great date that was six hours long – but, like an idiot, he ignored the Magical 7 Hour Hookup Rule (or he didn’t know about it) and completely blew his chance at sleeping with her on the first date.

Oh, YOU don’t know about the Magical 7 Hour Hookup Rule, either!?

Okay, here it is, and this is pretty important: girls are 10,000 times more likely to sleep with you after seven hours. Once they’ve spent seven hours with you, they feel like they know you and they’re ready to bang.

Think about it: all your hookups, all your one night stands, any sex that happened on the first date – it was all times when you met her at 9 and slept with her at 4 am the next morning. Seven hours.

The Magical 7 Hour Hookup Rule doesn’t have to be all at once, either. Maybe your first date is three hours, the second date is four hours, and BAM. Done deal.In other words, this client of mine, had he only kept this girl out for one more hour, would have had it in the bag.

The Optimal First Date

Alright, so what should this guy have done?

That’s easy. Here’s the breakdown...5:00 pm, he picks her up from wherever and takes her out. For the next seven hours, his job is now to continue the date and take her from location to location which creates a greater sense of intimacy and familiarity.I don’t care if you’re bar hopping, I don’t care if you’re at the mall and walking from store to store, I don’t care if you’re at a nursing home visiting all the different old people in their rooms, whatever.

Just make sure you’re on the move and connecting over an experience.

At 11:00 pm (seven hours later), you take her back to the house and make out a little bit. It’s only 11 pm. It’s not like it’s early. By 1:00 am you’re watching some Youtube videos, laughing, making out some more. By now you’ve been with the girl for ten hours – she’s probably going to sleep with you.

And if she sleeps with you, and you're really good in bed, she’s yours. Because girls don’t just abandon dudes they sleep with on the first date and risk adding up numbers. That’s just the way it goes.

The Lesson: Know the Magical 7 Hour Hookup Rule. Live by it.

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Robbie Kramer

Robbie Kramer isn't just a coach; he's a testament to the modern masculine journey. Having lived an exhilarating single life filled with adventures and lessons, Robbie has also achieved what many aspire to – finding an amazing, feminine, and loving wife.

His experiences provide a rare balance of wild freedom and committed love, equipping him with the insights to help you navigate the complexities of dating and relationships in today's world. With Robbie's guidance, you'll learn to embrace your desires, improve your social prowess, and ultimately attract the partner who aligns with your highest aspirations.


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