Stop Caring What People Think? Not So Fast.
It's Human to Care
Ever thought about not giving a rip what people think of you? Sounds good, right? But it's not that simple. We're wired to care what people think. Blame it on our past when getting kicked out of the tribe was a death sentence.
Internal Validation: The Trap
People love to say, "Be internally validated." But let me tell you, that's easier said than done. It's a trap. You can't always be internally validated. And when you're not, you feel worse. So give yourself a break. You're human, after all.
What's the Alternative?
If you can switch off caring what people think, go for it. But if you can't, here's the deal: Focus on what matters to you. Do what you want, and let others think whatever.
Validation: A Double-Edged Sword
We all seek approval sometimes, it's in our DNA. The trick is to know when you're doing it and turn it to your advantage.
Our Ancient Wiring in Modern Times
Back in the day, caring what 150 people thought made sense. Now? Not so much. Our brains aren't tuned to 2022.
Choose Your Validators
I've got people I look up to. Their approval matters because we share values. Knowing who you want validation from makes all the difference. Ask yourself: Who are those people for you?
So, instead of stressing about what everyone thinks, keep your eyes on the people who really matter. And let the rest go.