Why You Must Provide Uncertain Outcomes In Order to Stand Out In The Eyes of Women

Everything in dating is about user experience. If you want to do well, you need to be considering what kind of experience you're providing for the people you interact with, especially when you're trying to show your personality to make a good first impression.

Most women have had countless dates with guys that start out the same way.

“Hey, how’s it going? Did you have an okay time getting here? Yeah. Did you find parking okay? Yeah. Oh cool, so what do you do? How do you like it?”

It’s the same experience. There’s nothing exciting about that at all.

On the other hand, when you tease and playfully pick on someone, you're giving the uncertain outcomes.

We sometimes refer to this as an "emotional rollercoaster."

Does he actually like me? What's going to happen next? This is fun!

People are addicted to uncertain outcomes. That’s why Las Vegas is what it is. It's a well-established principle in psychology that we're hard-wired to seek out novelty, and this is the deeper reason that contrast makes life exciting. This is also the reason why operating at the extremes is better than staying in the middle and being vanilla.

  • Have a personality.

  • Have strong opinions.

  • Do unexpected actions.

  • Provide a changing emotional experience.

  • Mix it up.

Why do people love gambling and the stock market?
They love uncertain outcomes.

Why are "nice guys" not attractive to women?
They don't provide uncertain outcomes.

Why do women go crazy for "bad boys"?
You guessed it! They provide uncertain outcomes.

If a woman can size you up instantly, or if the conversation you provide is anything like that first date scenario previously discussed, sorry buddy, you're boring.

No one is attracted to boring. Dates should start out with a bang. Instead of boring, predictable conversation, do something unexpected.

For example, if a girl is 5 minutes early, you could say:

"Oh wow, you’re early. You’re kinda an eager beaver aren't you.... Answer this question honestly, you probably started getting ready like three hours ago because you’re so excited about the date, huh? Don't lie, no one likes a liar :)"

It's an outcome that no one expects to get at the beginning of a date, and that makes you exciting. Deliver uncertain outcomes and people will be drawn to you. Just keep in mind that most of these outcomes should be favorable for the people experiencing them.

Ready to Level Up Your Dating Game? Find Out Where You Stand!

Great job on diving into the world of female psychology through this blog! But, let's be honest, endlessly scrolling online content can lead you down a rabbit hole without real progress. It's time to get laser-focused.

Discover Your Dating Persona: Are You an Attraction Aspirant, a Chase Changer, or a Selective Strategist?

  • Attraction Aspirant: Struggling to spark attraction? Dates are rare gems that rarely lead to something more?

  • Chase Changer: Got the looks and the charm but still chasing after the women you truly desire?

  • Selective Strategist: Making connections isn't the issue, but finding someone who sets your world on fire is?

Stop guessing and start mastering! Click here to take a swift, 10-question quiz that pinpoints exactly where you are on your journey to attraction mastery. Get a personalized action plan that cuts through the noise and targets your specific challenges. No more one-size-fits-all advice. It's time for strategies that work for you. Dive in now!

Robbie Kramer

Robbie Kramer isn't just a coach; he's a testament to the modern masculine journey. Having lived an exhilarating single life filled with adventures and lessons, Robbie has also achieved what many aspire to – finding an amazing, feminine, and loving wife.

His experiences provide a rare balance of wild freedom and committed love, equipping him with the insights to help you navigate the complexities of dating and relationships in today's world. With Robbie's guidance, you'll learn to embrace your desires, improve your social prowess, and ultimately attract the partner who aligns with your highest aspirations.


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